yoga in canada
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Are you ready to take your yoga practice to new heights? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this workshop is designed to help you delve deeper into the transformative power of yoga. Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the profound connection between mind, body, and breath.


  • Mantra chanting
  • Pranayama
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Hatha yoga
  • Basic Meditation
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Shatkarma
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About the Workshop:

Led by experienced yoga instructor Pallavi, this workshop is crafted with a blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques to create a holistic and enriching experience. Through a carefully curated blend of asana practice, pranayama (breathwork), meditation, and mindful exploration, you will gain a deeper understanding of the profound effects yoga can have on your overall well-being.

Benefits of Yoga Workshop

Welcome participants and create a warm and inclusive atmosphere.

Introduce yourself as the workshop facilitator and share your background and expertise in yoga.

Allow participants to introduce themselves briefly and share their yoga experience and goals.

Provide a brief overview of the philosophy and principles underlying yoga, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and breath.

Discuss the eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga) and their significance in guiding a holistic practice.

Explain how these principles can be incorporated into the physical practice.

Lead participants through a series of asanas focused on building strength and balance, suitable for all levels.

Offer modifications and variations to accommodate different skill levels and bodies.

Emphasize proper alignment, breath awareness, and mindful movement.

Provide hands-on adjustments and individualized guidance to support participants in finding their optimal expression of each pose.

Introduce participants to various pranayama techniques, such as Ujjayi breath, Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), and Kapalabhati (skull-shining breath).

Explain the benefits of each technique in calming the mind, balancing energy, and enhancing the yoga practice.

Guide participants through a pranayama practice, emphasizing the connection between breath and movement.

Introduce different meditation techniques, such as breath awareness, body scan, or loving-kindness meditation.

Discuss the benefits of regular meditation and its role in cultivating presence and inner awareness.

Guide participants through a meditation practice, focusing on relaxation, inner stillness, and cultivating a sense of gratitude.

Provide an overview of key anatomical principles relevant to yoga poses, focusing on proper alignment and joint stability.

Demonstrate and guide participants through alignment cues for common poses, highlighting safe and effective alignment techniques.

Address common misalignments and offer adjustments to deepen the experience of each pose.

Guide participants through a gentle cool-down sequence, including gentle stretches and relaxation poses.

Offer a closing meditation or reflection to integrate the experiences of the workshop and invite self-reflection.

Provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions, share their insights, and offer feedback.

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Our Yoga workshop is designed for beginners who don’t have any prior experience of Yoga and for experienced Yoga practitioners who are interested in exploring the fundamentals in greater detail.